Coke Scholarships Easier to Get

It is unbelievable the number of students that receive Coke scholarships annually and that’s exactly why they are easier to get – because there’s lots of them. More than 1,400 winners are announced and that means they have funds to help them pay for their education. The dollar amount of scholarships that they award is more than $3 million annually. They are one of the largest contributors of easier to get scholarships in the world.
There are plenty of different programs offered, so it is wise to find out what each of them consists of. If you apply for the wrong type of scholarship then you are very unlikely to be approved. The easiest scholarships for high school seniors are accepted from August 1st through October 31st. All applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
The application process is one that involves many elements too though beyond just your GPA. They want to know about sports you took part in, clubs you were involved with, leadership roles, and community projects you donated your time and energy to. They want to know about jobs you may have had throughout high school, any difficulties you overcame, and your future plans.
You will need to have at least two letters of recommendation and two references for your easy scholarship application. You want to ask people to write such letters for you very early on in the process. This will ensure that you have them in your hands on time. You also want to select your references carefully. They should be people that can convey how exceptional you are.
There are 250 easier to get Coca Cola scholarships offered in this category for those that are going to be attending a four year accredited college. There are 2,200 semi finalists that will be notified of their status in December. They will be given the chance to submit a second application, essay, and to submit their official transcripts.
These items are due by January 15th to be considered for the scholarship funds. It is very important to get started with them as soon as you get your notification. This second round of competition is more intense so you have to do all you can to be able to stand out from the crowd. Your essay needs to be very informative and also creative so that it isn’t going to sound like everyone else’s.
In mid February 250 students will be notified that they have qualified for the interview phase. This is quite an honor and it is where the hard work you have put into the entire application process is going to pay off for you. However, you still have one more round of competition to go before the awards will be announced so be prepared for it!
In April, the 250 students to be interviewed will be in Atlanta. Everyone that makes it to this final round should be very proud of their efforts. The event takes three days and while there, applicants get to interact with each other and learn about the business world. It is a unique opportunity that most easier scholarship programs simply can’t offer.
Based on the interviews there will be 50 winners of $20,000 each for college. The other 200 students will receive $10,000 for college. These Coke scholarships can make a significant impact on the ability that a student has to pay for their college education. All funds will be given directly to the college. The student must be accepted into a college before those funds can be applied. The student must enrolled full time.
With so many Coke scholarships, and the dollar amounts being high, it is important to see what you qualify for. They are the scholarships easier to get then most all others which you may apply to.
Make sure you submit all of the necessary documents and that you get them in well before the deadline. Paying for college is expensive, and this is one sponsor that wants to ease that burden for you. Applicants can’t be employees, children of employees, or grandchildren of employees of the Coca Cola Bottling Company.