Average Student Scholarships Easier to Get

If you thought only the above average students could get scholarships for school, you are selling yourself short. Average students can get some very easy scholarship funds too so you want to look at what is offered. The idea behind these easy scholarships for average students is to provide those that want a college education with a great opportunity. They don’t put all of the merit on past accomplishments or a high GPA, SAT, and PSAT.
Average student scholarships may require unique skills or talents
You may have some types of talent or skill that you can offer that has nothing to do with your academic grades. If that is the case, then you may qualify for a very specific type of scholarship out there that is looking well beyond your grades only. They want to see if you have passion and potential. If they can see both of those factors they may be willing to give you money for school to see what you can make of it.
There are many reasons why some students don’t have high grades. Perhaps they have experienced a learning disability but they are facing it and overcoming it. They still have a desire to go to college. Some students had to work all through school or they had serious events occur that made it hard to focus on their academics. There are easier scholarships that take such circumstances into consideration. They want to find out how the student has been able to use such adversity in life and continue to strive for a wonderful future in spite of it.
Community based average student scholarships
Community involvement can be your ticket to easy scholarships if you are an average student. Many programs offer money to those that have donated their time, energy, and resources to help others in the community. One of them is the Do Something Award that offers funds for students that have found solutions to difficult problems in their community. The amount of money awarded can be up to $50,000.
If you are creative, consider the Red Vines drawing contest. This is a licorice company in the USA that encourages average students to submit drawings that could end up on the packages for this company’s product. They have several winners every year and the award amounts can be up to $2,500.
There are some great scholarships for average students in the area of comedy too. David Letterman has done very well for himself. Yet he admits he wasn’t a good student in high school. His annual scholarship for the average student is given based on the creativity of the applicants and not their grades. Applicants must be pursuing an education in Telecommunications at the Ball State University. There are three awards – $10,000, $5,000, and $3,000.
Poetry scholarships perfect for average students
If you are a writer, there are plenty of poetry scholarships out there. They are given based on the quality of the poem that is submitted with the application. This can be a wonderful way for you to get money for college. The amounts awarded vary based on the particular scholarship that you apply for. There are essay scholarships out there too that work the same way. You will be given a particular topic and other details that you have to include in your essay. This is a great scholarship for the average student.
All of these types of easy scholarships for average students are designed to give them a great opportunity. Just because you didn’t graduate at the top of your class doesn’t mean you aren’t intelligent. It doesn’t mean you don’t want a bright future with a good paying job and a career you can be proud of. Take the initiative to see what is out there for funding as it is your future on the line.
If you are an average student, then you should be looking into these easy scholarships for the average student and others too as well. A good rule of thumb is making sure multiple awards are being handed out instead of only one when looking for the easier scholarships to apply to.
You want to have the funding you need for college so don’t let the price of it hold you back. It gets more expensive all the time to pay for fees, books, tuition, and more. These average student scholarships can be your ticket to get it all covered and to focus on your education. Scholarships that are not based on past high GPA’s are the ones to apply for and they generally are lot more fun to participate in.
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