Kentucky Berea College Full-Tuition Simple Scholarships

College-bound students looking for tuition assistance will certainly want to consider Berea College, located in Kentucky. Each student who attends the college will automatically receive full tuition simple scholarships, totaling more than $25,000. In addition, Berea also assists students with other expenses, including room and board and food through a college work-study program.
Understanding that students may also need technology assistance to succeed during their college career, Berea will provide each student with a free laptop that can be used while they attend school. The full-tuition scholarship awarded to admitted students at Berea will also work in conjunction with any scholarships or grants students may also receive to help in completely covering the cost of tuition.
The decision to provide such assistance at Berea was made based on the school’s mission to offer an educational opportunity for students with academic promises, but who may have limited financial resources. Regardless of whether a student can afford tuition at Berea, if they demonstrate an outstanding academic aptitude, limited financial resources will not hold them back from attaining a college education. Such financial assistance at Berea is made possible through the support of friends, organizations and alumni who strongly believe that limited financial resources should not dictate a student’s future.
In addition to Berea’s full-tuition scholarships, a number of students who attend this college also receive Kentucky’s KEES scholarship. As a result of easy scholarships and financial aid, many students attending Berea find they do not need to pay anything during the first year of their enrollment for tuition, housing, meals, fees, books and other supplies.
Berea is committed to ensuring that the pursuit of loans to attain a quality education is a last resort. Consequently, many students graduating from Berea are able to do so with an extremely low level of student debt. Numerous Berea graduates complete their education with under $10,000 in student debt, while the national average is currently $25,000. Approximately one in four Berea graduates are able to graduate completely debt-free.
Berea College was originally founded by reformers and abolitionists. Today, the college remains rooted in the purpose of promoting the cause of Christ and is devoted to Christian values. The entire experience at Berea is intended to nurture physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and aesthetic potentials. To achieve this purpose, Berea offers majors in a variety of different subjects, although the most popular majors here are family studies, manufacturing, business and human development.
Students at Berea also work in more than 100 departments as part of the school’s labor program. Each department is supported by a minimum of one professional staff or faculty member. Most labor departments also have mentors who are responsible for actively participating in student development and training. In many cases, departments may also have students who serve in the role of leaders and supervisors.
The Dean of Labor offers oversight for all areas to ensure consistency in training, administration and assessment. Each department varies in terms of the type of work performed. Berea students are highly encouraged to experience a variety of different work environments in order to make the most of their learning opportunities at the college and to also increase exposure to various types of work styles.
The Student Labor Program at Berea College is built upon the concept of labor as an opportunity for learning, as well as a service, not only to the college, but also to the community at large. Each student worker at Berea is expected to act with caring and integrity, exhibit an enthusiasm for learning, value all people, serve others, work as a team, celebrate work that is well done and encourage sustainable and plain living. Each full-time student at Berea College participates in the Labor Program during the academic year. Students work at least 10 hours per week and may work up to 15 hours per week. Some students, after attaining special permission, may work up to 25 hours per week.
Along with Berea’s full-tuition scholarships, students at the college will also receive an hourly wage which may range between $3.80 and $6.25. In addition, students here will also have the opportunity to work during the summer term at a rate of $7 per hour. Approximately 500 students are placed in work-study internships or positions each summer. Such positions may be on-campus or off-campus and may include non-profit community service organizations.
Simple scholarships from Berea college make this Kentucky college an attractive place to further a students education and should be researched by those students who have an interest in their solid educational program.
am 23yrs old am an international student wanted to know if i can apply for the scholarship
I would call the admissions office and direct that question to them. Scholarship rules get updated every year.